SOMA’s blue hues and stone archways reflect our Greek heritage, offering a welcoming, boutique-like atmosphere. Dr. Condoleon and our team invite you to experience our modern, classy setting.
Terrific Tummy Tucks
At SOMA, our patients trust us to help them look their most beautiful. Aging, stress, and pregnancy can leave the best of us dispirited and unhappy with our current bodies. While some may store more fat in the abdominal area, others lose this weight only to be met with sagging or crepey skin. A tummy tuck in Des Moines with Dr. Condoleon helps bring form and balance back to your abdomen.

Dr. Condoleon
Dr. Harry Condoleon, owner and Medical Director of SOMA Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetics, graduated from Des Moines University in 1992. After a surgical oncology fellowship, he practiced cosmetic medicine in Las Vegas.
Dr. Condoleon now practices in Des Moines, helping patients look their best by providing life-changing panniculectomies, full tummy tucks, and 360 tummy tucks.
The SOMA Surgical Promise
From the moment you step into our office for a preliminary consultation to your very last follow-up visit, we invest in time, sweat, and focus on making certain you get the best treatment outcomes. We believe superior surgical results come when the provider spends time getting to know the “whole” patient. Our iterative treatment process meets the patient where they’re at every step of the way:
- Pre-surgery Consult
- Surgery day
- Recovery/downtime
- Post-surgery Consult
We take your health seriously. In Greek, the word SOMA means “body”, and we take every precaution to care for and heal everybody that comes into our practice looking for surgical treatment. Dr. Condoleon has years of experience helping countless patients with liposuction, breast lifts, tummy tucks, and more. He completes each treatment to a degree of competence expected of a fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, and member of the American College of Surgeons and American Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons.
Complementary Procedures:

Tummy Tuck Overview
During a tummy tuck, medically known as abdominoplasty, Dr. Condoleon will remove fat and skin from the abdominal area to create a smoother, firmer, “tucked”, abdominal profile.
This surgical procedure benefits those who have not seen results from diet and exercise alone. Sometimes trauma, pregnancy, and aging leave our bodies in a physical state we wish to improve. The SOMA surgery team can guide you on the path to a more confident you in a safe, hospitable environment.
Panniculectomies contour the abdominal wall, bringing in the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat from your “apron.” This fat may hang below the waistline or pubis, leading to skin irritation and lower confidence. Patients who’ve just undergone significant weight loss may want to remove sagging skin, and Dr. Condoleon specializes in helping them.
Full tummy tucks, known as abdominoplasty, give patients a contoured look after a surgeon removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen. Typically, a surgeon will remove the fat between your belly button and pubic hair.
Surgeons refer to 360 tummy tucks as “circumferential abdominoplasty,” as it targets the entire midsection, including the sides and back. This includes fat stored up and around the waistline, in addition to regular abdominal treatment.
What it Treats
- Excess hanging fat and skin hanging over the abdomen
- Built up, unflattering fat around the midsection (apron)
- Hanging, leftover, skin pronounced after weight loss.
Actions to Take
- 4 to 6 months prior – Eat well, drink plenty of water, and stay active.
- 4 months prior – Schedule a consultation and talk with Dr. Condoleon.
- 1 month prior – Stock up on pillows, gauze, comfortable clothing, and ice packs.
- 1 week prior – Confirm who will drive you to and from the surgical center in Des Moines.
- The night before – Do not eat or drink anything after midnight. Stock your at-home recovery environment with pillows, blankets, tablets, books, and all of your favorite shows or movies on deck.
- On the day of surgery – Dress in comfortable, clean, loose-fitting clothes. Don’t wear makeup, jewelry, hair products, sunscreen, or piercings.
Actions to Take
- On the night of, sleep elevated with a pillow supporting your upper body and knees. Make certain you stay mobile after your surgery to aid in blood flow and circulation (nothing more taxing than walking or standing). Take frequent deep breaths to prevent pneumonia and blood clots.
- Resume activities slowly. Avoid heavy lifting, bending, and straining for 4 to 6 weeks.
- Take all medications as instructed.
- Drink plenty of fluids for the first few weeks to stay hydrated and reduce swelling.
- Change surgical gauze as needed to help keep the incision clean and dry.
- Leave surgical tape in place and let them fall off naturally over the course of healing.
- Avoid direct sunlight to the incision for at least 1 year.
- Follow the instructions provided by Dr. Condoleon.
Recovery Process
What to Expect
After your tummy tuck, you will experience several temporary postoperative symptoms as your body heals.
- For the first 24 to 72 hours, you might notice blood-tinged drainage at the incision sites. Use the gauze, and wear the compression garment (provided by us) as instructed by your doctor.
- Expect bruising to develop, which will typically heal, change color, and fade after 2 to 3 weeks.
- Swelling may persist for weeks or months. Intermittent resting and wearing compression garments can help.
- Address itching at itching sites with Benadryl to alleviate discomfort.
- Numbness or a tingling sensation around the incision site will subside after a few months.
- Surgery scars may take up to a year to fully mature.
Week One – Spend your first week focusing entirely on rest and recovery. On your second day, get up and walk to help your body circulate blood and prevent clotting. Start with light activity, and take your time.
Week Two – At the end of week 2, you will feel strong enough to attend social functions and engage in light-to-moderate walking. Ask friends to come with you, even if you don’t think you will need their assistance.
Weeks Three and Four – Try incorporating a stationary bike into your routine, as movement sitting down might feel more comfortable than standing. This might also help add novelty to your recovery routine as you grow stronger and stronger. Keep pedaling light and go at a pace that feels right.
Weeks Four to Six – At this phase of recovery, you’ll feel more like yourself. This is when you should begin to incorporate mild physical activity to slowly regain any lost strength. We recommend light free weights, half-squats, and wall push-ups.
Weeks Six and Beyond – To maintain the aesthetic results of your tummy tuck, exercise regularly in the morning. To avoid possible injury, do not exercise your abdominal muscles until 12 weeks post-surgery.
Patients should take showers with lukewarm water instead of baths. During recovery, if standing proves difficult, we recommend bringing a plastic stool into the shower.
Be extremely gentle with the incision area and wash your body with gentle soaps and cleansers. We will recommend soaps to use throughout your recovery period. When washing, check the site daily for infection, redness, and swelling. Light massaging may help improve swelling.
Taking Care of Your Incisions
After your tummy tuck, your provider will wrap you in a waterproof dressing, sometimes accompanied by a medical-grade abdominal binder. This will allow you to shower without needing to change the dressing immediately.
This dressing usually stays in place until your first postoperative visit. When you come in after a period of recovery, we’ll apply tape to your incision to support the healing process. You’ll take some home with you to continue this care at home.