At SOMA, your patient experience is second only to your safety. We invest time and focus into taking every precaution to safeguard your health and ensure your comfort.
Extra Volume in the Right Place
Your confidence directly affects how you interact with the rest of the world. When undersized breasts keep you from your full potential, you can work with SOMA to elevate your appearance with a breast augmentation in Des Moines.

Build My Treatment Plan
Use our Treatment Planning Tool before your surgical consultation to discover all the ways we can help you achieve your dream body.

Dr. Condoleon
At SOMA, we work under the leadership of Dr. Harry Condoleon, one of the region’s leading cosmetic surgeons. Over the last 3 decades, he has served countless patients, and his surgical expertise compares only to his love for his home in Iowa.
When you work with Dr. Condoleon, you’ll receive the professional support you need to achieve your aesthetic vision.
The SOMA Surgical Promise
Every patient comes to us with unique aesthetic goals. We honor your vision by crafting a fully customized surgical plan so that you can enjoy a look that’s beautifully you.
Our cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Condoleon, has served countless patients over the last few years. He brings a wealth of experience to the operating room as he skillfully performs complex procedures.
Complementary Procedures:

Breast Augmentation Overview
At SOMA Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetics, we’ll perform your breast augmentation in Des Moines using implants from Mentor. Mentor produces amazing breast implants with a soft and natural look. Their dedication to excellence allows every patient to find the best fit for their body.
The Surgical Details
When you arrive at our surgical facility, we prepare you for your procedure and go over your surgical plan once more. If you have any last-minute questions, you can take this opportunity to ask Dr. Condoleon.
Once you’re ready, we’ll administer general anesthesia and start the procedure. Dr. Condoleon first makes an incision near your breast. Then, he carefully inserts the implant, positioning it either below or on top of your chest muscles. He ensures your breasts have a natural, symmetrical appearance before closing the incisions.
Pre-Care Instructions
Actions to Take
- 1 week prior – Confirm who’s driving you to and from your breast augmentation in Des Moines. Ensure you have the instructions for which medication to take and not to take before surgery.
- The night before – Do not eat or drink anything after midnight, including water, gum, and cough drops. Prepare your home for recovery by stocking up on blankets, pillows, movies, books, and snacks.
- The day of – Wash your body and hair either day of or the night before your surgical appointment. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Don’t wear makeup, jewelry, piercings, sunscreen, or nail polish.
Post-Care Instructions
Actions to Take
- After your surgery, take all pain medications and antibiotics as directed. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery while taking prescription pain medication.
- The night after your breast augmentation in Des Moines, sleep on your back with your head elevated 35 degrees. For the next 6 weeks, continue sleeping on your back. Do NOT sleep on your abdomen.
- Do not drink any alcoholic beverages for 24 hours.
- Resume taking your daily medications and a normal, healthy diet.
- Wear your supportive bra 24/7 for the next 4 weeks. You can unzip it for a 20 minute break 3 times a day while sitting down in a chair or recliner.
- Relieve pain and tenderness with ice, but do not apply ice to your nipples.
- Take Singulair every day for 3 months after surgery. This will help prevent internal scar tissue around your implant.
- Follow any other postoperative directions provided by Dr. Condoleon.
Recovery Process
What to Expect
After your breast augmentation in Des Moines, you’ll experience some postoperative symptoms that are completely normal and temporary.
- For the first 24 hours, you may have some blood-tinged drainage at the incision sites. Use the gauze and change out your dressings as necessary to keep the incisions clean and dry.
- You may experience some swelling and bruising for a few weeks after your surgery. Wear your supportive bra to reduce swelling and aid in healing.
- Your surgical scars may appear red for several months. As they heal, they’ll begin to fade. Avoid exposing your scars to sunlight and wear sunscreen to aid in this process.
During your first week, focus entirely on resting and recovering. Only engage in light activity, like walking around and using stairs. Don’t lift anything heavier than 5 pounds during this time.
Throughout this time, avoid sitting longer than 2 hours at a time during the day. Every 2 hours, get up slowly and walk around for at least 10 minutes. This helps prevent the formation of blood clots.
Be careful whenever you change positions or get up, especially during the first week. If you start to feel dizzy or lightheaded, sit or lie down and elevate your feet.
For the first 4 weeks, don’t lift anything greater than 15 pounds and avoid all exercise. Do not raise your arms above your head for 4 weeks either. Ask your friends and family for extra support and help around the house if needed.
By 6 weeks, you can start resuming your normal activities if cleared by Dr. Condoleon. Start off slowly and gradually work back up to your usual routine.
Avoid submerging your incisions in water until approved by Dr. Condoleon. Take showers to bathe and avoid hot tubs and swimming pools according to your postoperative directions.
Do not scrub at your incisions while in the shower. Take care to treat your breasts gently, and use mild soaps and cleansers.
Taking Care of Your Incisions
After your breast augmentation in Des Moines, we will cover your incisions with a dressing to absorb drainage and apply pressure. Keep this dressing dry for 24 hours. Change the dressing every day for the next 2 to 3 days, or until the drainage stops.